Foreign policy and the press: Brazil’s withdrawal from the League of Nations (1926) by the newspapers Correio da Manhã and Jornal do Commercio




This paper analyzes the relations between the press and foreign policy in the context of the Brazilian diplomatic participation in the League of Nations, highlighting the journalistic coverage of the Brazilian performance in the days surrounding the general meeting of the League (March 17-20, 1926) where Brazil announced that it would veto Germany's entry into the league and its executive board. This veto was understood in different ways by the great press of Rio de Janeiro, federal capital. The Jornal do Commercio, owned by the foreign minister Felix Pacheco, made a large coverage, extolling the participation and attitudes of the main political actors involved. The Correio da Manhã, an opposition newspaper, made a more critical coverage of political decisions and even questioned the need for Brazil to participate in the League. In this comparison, it is clear that the press acted as an important diffuser of political ideas and, even covering the same political event, could convey different political ideas and opinions.


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How to Cite

Oliveira, J. C. da S. de . (2021). Foreign policy and the press: Brazil’s withdrawal from the League of Nations (1926) by the newspapers Correio da Manhã and Jornal do Commercio. Esboços: Histories in Global Contexts, 28(48), 248–268.



Special Issue "Internationalism and global history"