Global History and South-South Cooperation: a research agenda




Global History is an approach that emerges from the need to understand the world in a process of globalization markedly at the turn of the 20th to the 21st century. Global History aims to combat two core issues in modern historiography: state centrism and eurocentrism. Cross-border phenomena such as large migratory flows and the internationalization of industrial production, among others, require an analysis focused on the multiple actors, beyond the Weberian national state subject, as well as an understanding of the contemporary international scenario where European predominance in economics, politics or culture is highly questioned. This work presents the connection between Global History and International Relations to exam one of the most relevant global phenomena in 21st century: SouthSouth Cooperation. For that propose, the 4C typology (Contextualize, Conceptualize, Compare and Connect), developed by Diego Olstein (2015), is presented here as a possible way to think of SouthSouth Cooperation from a Global History perspective.


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How to Cite

Rizzo, A. D. da G. (2021). Global History and South-South Cooperation: a research agenda. Esboços: Histories in Global Contexts, 28(48), 290–307.



Special Issue "Internationalism and global history"