Expressions of Third-World Internationalism in the context of the global 60s: a view from the Southern Cone




In this article we analyze the way in which various political conceptions associated with Third World ideology and geography were mobilized by the periodical left-wing press, especially in Southern Cone countries, in the construction of insurgent projects throughout the 1960s and 1970s. Structuring our approach based on tools from global history, we will trace some of the materials conveyed through these newspapers, looking for their multiple connections and reverberations in an international context deeply marked by the Cold War. Likewise, we will call attention to the centrality occupied by the so-called Third World in shaping rebel practices and discourses, guided by an anti-imperialist agenda widely disseminated in the left-wing newspapers of the period, capable of connecting local contexts to the set of liberation struggles developed all over the planet.


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How to Cite

Duarte, L. (2021). Expressions of Third-World Internationalism in the context of the global 60s: a view from the Southern Cone. Esboços: Histories in Global Contexts, 28(48), 427–446.



Special Issue "Internationalism and global history"