University and Politics: Actors, Conflicts and Perspectives From and About the Global South




Universities, Student Movement, Global South


This dossier began its journey in 2020 when we decided to run a table on politics and the university in the Congress of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA) in 2021 that would be virtual and accessible to a greater number of colleagues from Latin America. The call was a success and we brought researchers in the Round Table entitled “University, Youth and Politics. Student Movements in the Past and Present of Our Societies”. It was a fruitful space to meet and exchange the work of academics who, in different parts of the world, take student movements as an object of study. At the beginning of 2022 we carried out the Asian and Latin American student movements table: past
and present experiences.


ALTBACH, Philip. Comparative Higher Education: Knowledge, the University and Development. Hong Kong: Hong-Kong University Press, 1998.

ALTBACH, Philip; KLEMENČIČ, Manja. Student Activism Remains a Potent Force Worldwide. International Higher Education, vol. 2-3, n. 76, pp. 2-3, 2014.

ARANDA SÁNCHEZ, José. El Movimiento Estudiantil y la Teoría de los Movimientos Sociales. Convergencia, v. 7, n. 21, pp. 225-250, 2000.

BROOKS, Rachel (ed). Student Politics and Protest: International Perspectives. London: Routledge, 2016.

BROOKS, Rachel; GUPTA, Achala, JAYADEVA, Sazana; ABRAHAMS, Jessica; LAŽETIĆ, Predrag. Students as political actors? Similarities and differences across six European nations. British Educational Research Journal, v. 46, n. 6, 2020.

CASTRO GOMEZ, Santiago; GROSFOGUEL, Ramón. El giro decolonial: reflexiones para una diversidad epistémica más allá del capitalismo global. Bogotá: Siglo del Hombre Editores, 2007.

CHEN, Jian; KLIMKE, Martin; KIRASIROVA, Masha; NOLAN, Mary; YOUNG, Marilyn; WALEY-COHEN, Joanna.The Routledge handbook of the Global Sixties: between protest and nation-building. Londres/Nueva York: Routledge, 2018.

CINI, Lorenzo; DELLA PORTA, Donatella; GUZMÁN-CONCHA, César. Contesting Higher Education. Student Movements against Neoliberal Universities. Bristol: University Press, 2020.

CINI, Lorenzo; DELLA PORTA, Donatella; GUZMÁN-CONCHA, César. Student Movements in Late Neoliberalism. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

GARCÍA ACELAS, Marisabel; ARIAS PERALES, Ildefonso. La juventud como protagonista en el último ciclo de protestas en Colombia. Nuevas narrativas y disputas ante el aislamiento. Revista Argentina de Estudios de Juventud, n. 15, e056, 2021.

GROSFOGUEL, Ramón. A estrutura do conhecimento nas universidades ocidentalizadas: racismo/sexismo epistêmico e os quatro genocídios/epistemicídios do longo século XVI. Sociedade e Estado, v. 31, p. 25–49, 2016.

GUZMÁN-CONCHA, César. Introduction to special sub-section: Student activism in global perspective: Issues, dynamics and interactions. Current Sociology, v. 67, n. 7, pp. 939–941, 2019.

JUNG, Eugenia y DIP, Nicolás. Dossier: La universidad en disputa. Política, movimientos estudiantiles e intelectuales en la historia reciente latinoamericana. Contemporánea. Historias y Problemas del siglo XX, v. 12, n. 1, pp. 9-15, 2020.

KLEMENČIČ, Manja. Student power in a global perspective and contemporary trends in student organizing. Studies in Higher Education, v. 39, n. 3, pp. 396– 411, 2014.

Klemenčič, Manja; Park, Bo Yun. Student Politics: Between Representation and Activism. Em: Cantwell, B; COATES, H.; King. R. (eds.). Handbook on the Politics of Higher Education. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2018, pp. 468–486.

LAMAS, Marta. Del 68 a hoy: la movilización política de las mujeres. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, Año XII, n. 234, pp. 265-286, 2018.

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MARKARIAN, Vania. Uruguay, 1968. Algunas líneas de análisis derivadas del estudio de la protesta estudiantil en un país periférico. Espacio, Tiempo y Educación, v. 6, n. 1, pp. 129-143, 2019.

MARWICK, Arthur Youth Cultures and the Cultural Revolution of the Long 60s. En: Schildt, A.; Siegfried, D. (eds). Between Marx and Coca-Cola: Youth Cultures in Changing European Societies, 1960-1980. New York: Berghahn Books, 2005, pp. 39-58.

MCADAMS, James; MONTA, Anthony. Global 1968. Cultural Revolutions in Europe and Latin America. Notre Dame: Notre Dame Press, 2021.

MILLÁN, Mariano; BONAVENA, Pablo. Los 68 latinoamericanos. Movimientos estudiantiles, política y cultura en México, Brasil, Uruguay, Chile, Argentina y Colombia. Buenos Aires: CLACSO-IIGG, 2018.

MILLÁN, Mariano; SEIA, Guadalupe. Presentación del dossier Guerra Fría y violencia política en las universidades latinoamericanas (1945 – 1991). Primera y Segunda parte. Cuadernos de Marte, n. 17-18, pp. 15-20 y pp. 15-19, 2019/2020.

ORDORIKA, Imanol. Student Movements and Politics in Latin America: A Historical Reconceptualization. Higher Education, v. 83, n. 2, pp. 297–315, 2022.

PALERMO, Alicia. La participación de las mujeres en la universidad. La aljaba, vol. 3, pp. 94-110, 1998.

PALOMINO, Pablo. On the Disadvantages of “Global South” for Latin American Studies. Journal of World Philosophies, v. 4, n. 2, pp. 22-39, 2019.

POGLIAGHI, Leticia; MENESES REYES, Marcela; LÓPEZ GUERRERO, Jahel. Movilización estudiantil contra la violencia en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. RESU, v. 49, pp. 65-82, 2020.

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SCHEUZGER, Stephan. La historia contemporánea de México y la historia global: reflexiones acerca de los ‘sesenta globales’. Historia Mexicana, v. 68, n. 1, pp. 13-358, 2018.

SCHVEITZER, Ana; BÖRGERDING, Lea; BROUGHTON, Oscar. Uma história global do internacionalismo, Esboços, v. 28, n. 48, pp. 627-639, 2021.

SOMMA, Nicolás; BARGSTED, Matías; DISI PAVLIC, Rodolfo; MEDEL, Rodrigo. No water in the oasis: the Chilean Spring of 2019–2020. Social Movement Studies, v. 20, n. 4; pp. 495-502, 2021.DOI: 10.1080/14742837.2020.1727737

TIRADO VILLEGAS, Gloria. Puebla 1961, Género y Movimiento Estudiantil. La ventana, n. 39, pp. 179-207, 2014



How to Cite

Pis Diez, N., & Seia, G. (2022). University and Politics: Actors, Conflicts and Perspectives From and About the Global South. Esboços: Histories in Global Contexts, 29(51), 174–187.



Special Issue "University and politics: actors, conflicts and global views"