Brazilian Neo-Fascism and Its Transnational Links

A Contribution From International Relations




Neo-fascism, Transnationalism, Extreme-right


This paper is a dialogue with Odilon Caldeira Neto, based on his article Neofascism in Brazil, from Local to Global?, published in the debates section of the Journal Esboços: Histories in Global Contexts. Two reflections are proposed in this brief comment: first, I try to insert the Brazilian extreme right organizations within a broader and more complex framework of transnationalization that operates in the International System with the intensification of globalization. For that, I suggest  a literature on International Relations International; (ii) In the context of the emergence of the Brazilian New Right, I problematize the framing of some actors as neo-fascists, given the metapoliticization strategy adopted by several far right organizations in Brazil.

Author Biography

David Magalhães, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo

Professor, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, Departamento Relações Internacionais/Faculdade de Ciências Sociais.


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How to Cite

Magalhães, D. (2023). Brazilian Neo-Fascism and Its Transnational Links: A Contribution From International Relations. Esboços: Histories in Global Contexts, 29(52), 693–701.



Debate 'Neofascismo no Brasil/Neo-Fascism in Brazil/Neofascismo en Brasil'