From Amoreiras to Tereza Saint: Vieira da Silva and his Art


  • Luciene Lehmkuhl Universidade Federal de Uberlândia



The lifetime of the couple Maria Helena Vieira da Silva and Arpad Szenes in Brazil (from 1940 to 1947) is referenced by literature as an intervening period on the plastic production of each artist. It is also usually pointed as a period of difficulty about the insertion in the artistic enviroment. This text makes a reflection on Vieira da Silva’s plastic production in her “brazilian period”, indicating her solutions for the difficulties found in carrying on her artistic production during the exile. These solutions go beyond questions of thematic order (approaching painting issues that suffered considerable changes), technique order (sketches in paper, guache and drawings in small format increased) and pictorial order (the color, the light, the lines and the composition), and they are all noticed in the observation of the pieces.

Author Biography

Luciene Lehmkuhl, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia

Professora Adjunta do Instituto de História



How to Cite

Lehmkuhl, L. (2008). From Amoreiras to Tereza Saint: Vieira da Silva and his Art. Esboços: Histories in Global Contexts, 15(19), 151–162.



Special issue