Revisitando os argumentos de Macklin contra o princípio de vidas completas


  • Federico Abal IIF - SADAF - CONICET



Preconceito de Idade, Triagem, Alocação, Recursos


Em junho de 2020, Ruth Macklin publicou um ensaio crítico contra uma diretriz do Conselho Geral de Saúde (Consejo de Salubridad General) do México que recomendava o uso da idade como critério de desempate para alocar recursos terapêuticos escassos. A diretriz baseou esta recomendação no princípio de vidas completas. Neste artigo eu reconstruo e rejeito os três argumentos apresentados por Macklin contra o princípio de vidas completas. Subseqüentemente, formulei três objeções de minha autoria ao princípio de vidas completas.


BIDADANURE, J. Discrimination and Age. In: LIPPERT-RASMUSSEN, K. (Ed.) The Routledge Handbook of the Ethics of Discrimination. London: Routledge, 2017.

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GOSSERIES, A. Euthanasie des mineurs, pourquoi un critère d'âge?. La Revue Nouvelle, N. 68, p. 74-84, 2013. Link:

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INOUYE, S. K. Creating an anti-ageist healthcare system to improve care for our current and future selves. Nature Aging, 1, p. 150-152, 2021. DOI:

JECKER, N. Too old to save? Covid?19 and age?based allocation of lifesaving medical care. Bioethics, V. 36, N. 7, p. 1-7, 2022. DOI: 10.1111/bioe.13041

KERSTEIN, S. & BOGNAR, G. Complete Lives in the Balance. The American Journal of Bioethics, V. 10, N. 4, p. 37-45, 2010 DOI: 10.1080/15265160903581718

MACKLIN, R. Allocating medical resources fairly: the CSG bioethics guide. Salud Pública de México, V. 62, N. 5, p. 590-592, 2020 DOI:

MILLER, F. G. Why I Support Age-Related Rationing of Ventilators for Covid-19 Patients. The Hastings Center, April 9, 2020. Link:

NIELSEN, L. Pandemic Prioritarianism. Journal of Medical Ethics, V. 48, N. 4, p. 236-239, 2022. DOI: 10.1136/medethics-2020-106910

OBD – Observatori de Bioética i Dret, Universitat de Barcelona. Recomendaciones para la toma de decisiones éticas sobre el acceso de pacientes a unidades de cuidados especiales en situaciones de pandemia, 2020. Link:

PERSAD, G., WERTHEIMER, A. & EMANUEL, E. J. Principles for allocation of scarce medical interventions. The Lancet, V. 373, N. 9661, p. 423-431, 2009. DOI:

PERSAD, G., WERTHEIMER, A. & EMANUEL, E. J. Standing by our principles: meaningful guidance, moral foundations, and multi-principle methodology in medical scarcity. The American Journal of Bioethics, V. 10, N. 4, p. 46-48, 2010. DOI: 10.1080/15265161003650528

RIVERA LÓPEZ, E., ABAL, F., REKERS, R., HOLZER, F., MELAMED, I., SALMÚN, D., BELLI, L., TERLIZZI, S., ALEGRE, M., BIANCHINI, A. & MASTROLEO, I. Propuesta para la elaboración de un protocolo de triaje en el contexto de la pandemia de COVID-19. Revista de Bioética y Derecho, V. 50, p. 37-61, 2020. DOI:

RIVLIN, M. Why the fair innings argument is not persuasive. BMC Med Ethics, V. 1, N. 1, 2000. DOI:

SCANLON, T. What We Owe To Each Other. Cambridge (MA): Harvard University Press, 1998.

SIAARTI - Italian Society of Anesthesia, Analgesia, Resuscitation and Intensive Care. Clinical Ethics Recommendations for the Allocation of Intensive Care Treatments in exceptional, resource-limited circumstances, 2020. Link:

SINGER, P. Is Age Discrimination Acceptable?. Project Syndicate, June 10, 2020 Link:

TALLMAN, R. Valuing Lives and Allocating Resources: A defense of the Modified Youngest First Principle of Scarce Resource Distribution. Bioethics, V. 28, N. 5, p. 207-213, 2012. DOI:

UP – Department of Critical Care Medicine, School of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh. Allocation of Scarce Critical Care Resources During a Public Health Emergency, 2020. Link:






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