The ethics of cognitive enhancement: Flynn effect and the natural talents fallacy


  • Marcelo de Araujo Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro e Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro



The contemporary debate on the ethics of cognitive enhancement has mainly focused on the question whether, and to which extent, individuals should be granted the right to make use of new technologies in order to enhance their own cognitive powers. The question on the existence of a duty to implement the cognitive enhancement of the individuals has received less attention. In this paper, I argue that the state has a prima facie duty to pursue the cognitive enhancement of its citizens. The argument involves an analysis of the so-called effect Flynn and of the public policies for the education of gifted children. The duty the state has to further the cognitive enhancement of its citizens is qualified by our knowledge of the efficacy and the safety of the procedures used for cognitive enhancement.



Author Biography

Marcelo de Araujo, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro e Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

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