Good Fortune and Happiness in Cartesian Ethics
In this paper, I attempt to show that Descartes thinks that good fortune is not necessary to attain happiness. First, I will show the difference between the definitions of heur and happiness that Descartes exposes in his letters. Then I will try to show that Descartes argues that we can only attain happiness acting virtuously just because virtue is the supreme good that every single man can reach. As virtue is entirely in our power, it is clear that the goods of fortune are not necessary to attain happiness. It is true that this kind of good can produce content in the mind of a person but they are not necessary to attain real happiness. However, I will also try to show that these goods of fortune are indeed important to attain the supreme good of the human being in general. Finally, I will expose briefly that, according to Descartes, virtue is also necessary to enjoy correctly the favor of fortune.
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