Religious Diversity and Democracy: From Philosophy of Religion to Political Philosophy


  • Marciano Adilio Spica Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste do Paraná - UNICENTRO



We live currently in pluralistic societies and one of the main questions that arises is how to reconcile democracy and religious diversity. The problem is how to define the role of different religions in the Constitution and maintaining a democratic state and how the democratic state can or should act in relation to the resolution of conflicts that emerge from diversity. The intent of this essay is to contribute to think appropriately these questions. To achieve this aim, I intend, firstly, to discuss three possible answers that philosophy of religion gives to religious diversity and to show the advantages of one of the answers, namely pluralism. Thus, I will argue that it is necessary and beneficial for democratic societies accepting pluralism of beliefs and taking it as legitimate. Secondly, I will propose the thesis that religions have a role in the public sphere as an active participant in the debates of democratic issues, but one religion cannot claim to play the role of defining democratic issues. In the end, I will present some challenges that religious diversity presents to the concept of secular state.


Author Biography

Marciano Adilio Spica, Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste do Paraná - UNICENTRO

Professor Associado do Departamento de Filosofia da UNICENTRO e Professor do PPG-Filosofia (Mestrado e Doutorado) da UNIOESTE.


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