Applying Apel’s discourse ethics: corresponsibility in global climate justice




The aim of this paper is to analyze how Karl-Otto Apel implements discourse ethics as a proposal for global ethics or “planetary macroethics”. In particular, it will be investigated whether this proposal is relevant and current to deal with the global ethical implications of climate change. Planetary macroethics will demand a situation of dialogue and co-responsibility to face climate change. This will require international cooperation between governments, but also between individuals, companies, corporations to equitably reduce GHG emissions as quickly as possible and ensure socially just policies.

Author Biography

Milene Consenso Tonetto, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, S. C.

Professora Associada II no Departamento de Filosofia e no Programa de Pós-graduação em Filosofia da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC), Santa Catarina (S.C.), Brasil. E-mail: 

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Dossier The Thought of Karl-Otto Apel