The debate between Habermas and Apel on discourse ethics: reconsideration of the reasons for the divergence




In the debate between Habermas and Apel on the foundation of discourse ethics, many things are mixed. The article reconsiders the debate, analyzes the form of the pragmatic-transcendental argument, and distinguishes two major issues in confrontation: questions about argumentative assumptions and questions about moral obligations. We try to show that, having made the appropriate distinctions, in the first question, Apel is more right than Habermas, and that, in the second question, Habermas is more right than Apel. The implications of each position are considered.

Author Biography

Marina Velasco, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, R.J.

Professora Associada da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. E-mail:


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Dossier The Thought of Karl-Otto Apel