Recognition as ideology: a wrong question? The "anti-althusserianism" of Honneth and Racière


  • Vinicius Vicenzi Universidade do Porto



The article highlights the parallel between forms of opposition to the Althusserian project presented by Axel Honneth and Jacques Rancière. This discussion helps us to think of a Rancière-Honneth debate capable of critically understanding the concept of recognition today and the concept of subject which is implicit in it. We underline the importance of thinking about a non-ideological recognition, under conditions of possibility of political subjectivities which guarantees, in the form of litigation, manners to temporarily occupy certain spaces of recognition. We seek to think that if this non-ideological recognition is possible, it should be thought of not only in terms of justification, of rational learning with others, with their experiences, of the place that we must occupy as beings of necessity, of similar rights and of social esteem. This article is divided into three stages: the first, devoted to the presentation and criticism of Honneth to Althusser; the second to Rancière's critique of the theory of Althusserian ideology; and the last, to the closeness and distance between the two critics.


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