Theodor W. Adorno: contributions to the reflection, democracy and authoritarianism


  • Franciele Bete Petry Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina



The paper aims to discuss the ethical and political task of education in Theodor W. Adorno’s texts published in Erziehung zur Mündigkeit. It will be intended to present that the conception of education (Bildung) defended by Adorno is related to the defense of a democratic society. However, considering Adorno’s criticism of the limits to emancipation that is a condition for democracy, the formative task is considered in a negative way as an interruption of the historical process that could generate new catastrophes. Education can work against authoritarianism and seek to dissolve the conditions that would lead to the repetition of barbarism, even though it cannot be considered a tool for radical transformation of society. The paper discusses the way Adorno conceives formative process, its influence on subjectivity and its possibility of providing subjects with open and mediated experiences of reality. Nowadays, Adorno's ideas are fundamental for understanding the relation between democracy, authoritarianism and education.


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Dossier The Critical Theory of Theodor W. Adorno