On the paradigm of recognition and global peace
Recognition, International Law, Human rights, Global peaceAbstract
This study intends to reconstruct the main moments of the expansion of Axel Honneth's model of recognition to the international sphere in order to show what would be the main contributions of the model to this field of philosophy of law already extensively explored by other exponents of critical theory of society and political philosophers, but still very little explored by Axel Honneth. The model of recognition in the national sphere points to the reductionism of the political realist model and the same can be said of the expansion of the model to the international sphere. Thus, starting from Hegel, but at least beyond Hegel, Honneth understands that the moral dimension of the struggle for recognition is a necessary component for a more adequate interpretation of international relations and international conflicts. Therefore, the conception of international law based on the recognition paradigm shows that failing to consider this component of the behavior of supranational entities is to run the risk of carrying out an inadequate description of the reasons for conflicts and the motivations of supranational entities, which can lead to responses and normative conceptions that are also inadequate. However, since Honneth starts from principles consolidated in institutions in the domestic sphere and is concerned with the conciliation between the realistic and utopian perspective in the international sphere, he could have adopted principles consolidated in the international sphere as standards of recognition in place of the domestic spheres of the recognition as Rawls did.
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