Republicanism and global justice in Philip Pettit
Republicanism, Global justice, Sovereignty, Freedom, Philip PettitAbstract
The republican perspective of global justice proposes the concept of “Globalized sovereignty” as the expansion of freedom as non-domination to the international context. Pettit's republican political theory observes that current economic and political crises have placed democratic states under the dilemma of meeting the demands of their population and the dictates of financial institutions. Financial and banking institutions established investment and curtailment measures in relation to state budget policy. According to Pettit, the logic of action of financial corporations has become transgressive to the sovereignty and autonomy of States. The republican concept of “globalized sovereignty” establishes the form of regulatory principles that should govern political decisions and is established as an impediment to any arbitrariness or interference by a political, financial, or any other group that aims to impose the will on the will of the citizens. citizens and on the political autonomy of countries. The ideal of “Globalized sovereignty” has the capacity to lead to the improvement of relations between citizens and the State because it institutes the political form of contestation and protection against any dependence that the political agent may have in relation to the dictates of financial corporations and the interference by another state in state sovereignty. Furthermore, this idea of international policy requires States to act cooperatively with citizens of other States who suffer from extreme poverty or are in degrading conditions.
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