Justice as artifice, symbolic field and open system: Hume reader of Hobbes





Hobbes, Hume, Justice, Artifice, Promise


One of the reasons why Hobbes can be considered the precursor of legal positivism is his way of thinking of the justice system as the monopoly of the state, and as a coherent and complete normative system, autonomous in relation to its material base, that is, to the opinions and interests that motivate and sustain its institution. The Hobbesian theory of the state thus paves the way for the closure of the legal order claimed by positive law theorists. However, following the way Hume dialogues with Hobbes and develops his theory of the State, I will try to show that this closure is not the only path opened by this theory. Hume explores and tenses it in the opposite direction, trying to think about the openness of legal normativity to the social opinions and practices that produce and sustain it.

Author Biography

Maria Isabel Limongi, Universidade Federal do Paraná

Professora titular da Universidade Federal do Paraná e Pesquisadora do CNPq. Possui graduação em Filosofia pela Universidade de São Paulo (1990), mestrado em Filosofia pela Universidade de São Paulo (1994) e doutorado em Filosofia pela Universidade de São Paulo (1999). Sua pesquisa versa sobre as relações entre Estado e sociedade no pensamento político moderno – em especial, nos pensamentos políticos de Thomas Hobbes e David Hume, dedicando-se no presente a pensar as raízes do conceito de Democracia moderna no século XVIII, sob a ótica desta relação.


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Dossiê Positivismo Jurídico / Legal Positivism