A theory of free speech as participatory democracy: considerations from Robert Post and James Weinstein
Freedom of speech, Democratic selfgovernment, Participatory democracy, Robert Post, James WeinsteinAbstract
This work is about the constitutional protection of freedom of expression. More specifically, from the perspective of Robert Post and James Weinstein and their participatory theory. It aims to present the theory of the authors, and to do so, the first part presents the theory of Alexander Meiklejohn, who first systematized the relationship between the realization of democratic self-government and state protection of individual speech rights. After that, it is exposed the theory of Robert Post and James Weinstein, that links the defense of the individual right of expression to the concretization of democratic self-government, but using a justification based on the political action of the speakers instead of benefits to the audience. At last, from Post and Weistein, it highlights participatory theory’s main argument against the ruing idea of freedom of speech based on autonomy.
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