Augustine on freedom and sin: de libero arbitrio, I and III


  • Maurizio Filippo Di Silva Universidade Federal do Paraná



Augustine, Freedom, Sin, Necessity


The aim of this paper is to examine the relationship between freedom and sin as it appears in books I and III of the De libero arbitrio to clarify why, for Augustine, the cause of sin is the misuse of free will and why our actions would be neither good nor bad if they were not free. To this end, in the first phase of this study, we will analyze the Augustinian reflection on the nature and cause of bad actions. Then, that is, in the second moment, we will examine why sin is a voluntary movement. Afterwards, in the third phase of this study, we will analyze the relationship between divine foreknowledge and human freedom. Then, in the fourth moment, we will examine the Augustinian reflection on the cause of the will. Finally, in the conclusions, we will clarify why the relationship between freedom and sin outlined by Augustine is a consequence of his idea of divine justice.                                                                                                    


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Dossiê: Conceitos e concepções de liberdade / Concepts and conceptions of