Freedom as a biological principle: Hans Jonas’s phenomenology of life




Freedom, Hans Jonas, The phenomenon of life, philosophical biology


The Western philosophical tradition, in general, understands freedom as an exclusively human phenomenon, since we are (or would be) the only beings who enjoy the possibility of self-determination in a universe governed by necessary laws. Hans Jonas conceived freedom differently from tradition when he proposed the understanding of freedom as “a way of executing the existence” of living beings. Basically, freedom configures a principle of perception and action inherent to all organic existence, to the extent that, in order to continue to exist, every organism has to carry out metabolic “action” and, for that, it is necessary to be minimally “informed” about the environment. surrounding. That is, by freedom we can designate a natural way of being proper to living beings. However, freedom is expressed in different degrees in organic existence and is intrinsically linked to the evolution of life forms. The present work proposes to present Jonas's main considerations on the idea of freedom as a biological principle. The main arguments of the philosopher's hypothesis will be examined, which postulates the prefiguration of mind or spirit even in the most primitive forms of organic being.

Author Biography

Michelle Bobsin Duarte, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro

Doutora em Filosofia pela PUC Rio (2019), na linha de pesquisa em Filosofia e a Questão Ambiental. É professora colaboradora do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Filosofia da UFRRJ. Atua na pesquisa sobre o pensamento de Hans Jonas, principalmente, nos temas da Ontologia da Vida e das relações entre imagens, afetos e ações. Também pesquisa os diagnósticos e as soluções que as teorias ecofeministas e descoloniais apresentam frente ao problema ambiental.


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Dossiê: Conceitos e concepções de liberdade / Concepts and conceptions of