Technoliberty: power and politics in the age of Artificial Intelligence




Liberty, Artificial Intelligence, Democracy, Political power


This article addresses the concept and implications of liberty in the age of artificial intelligence and its technologies. The research highlights the magnitude and complexity of the problems involved: human freedom and Artificial Intelligence, and seeks an essential interconnection between them. Although there are no definitive answers to the theoretical and practical challenges that arise from this interaction, we believe that these problems are worth investigating. The central issue addressed is whether artificial intelligence favors or limits the experience of human liberty. The hypothesis defended is that artificial intelligence favors liberty nowadays. The article begins with a brief theoretical review of the concept of freedom in the Western philosophical tradition and discusses the idea of freedom and democracy in the age of artificial intelligence. It is proposed that liberty today should be understood as technoliberty, as it is through new digital communication and information technologies, especially artificial intelligence, that we can experience freedom. The objective is to understand freedom in the context of political, economic, and social processes determined by artificial intelligence, seeking a definition of liberty that is compatible with this reality.

Author Biography

Celso Candido Azambuja, Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS)

Doutor. Professor de Filosofia Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS), São Leopoldo/Porto Alegre, RS – Brasil. Pesquisador ad hoc CNPq/CAPES.


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Dossiê: Conceitos e concepções de liberdade / Concepts and conceptions of