Academic freedom versus academic irrationality: an analysis from a Kantian point of view


  • Joel Thiago Klein Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, PR



Academic autonomy, Academic irrationality, Society, State, Republic


In this paper, I present and develop the main features of the concept of academic autonomy based on the theoretical framework developed by Kant's philosophy. In this context, I argue that the normative meaning of academic freedom should be understood in opposition to undue interference by the state and society on the one hand, and in opposition to academic libertinism on the other. In a second step, I present the main maxims of academic irrationality, namely those maxims that undermine the possibility of academic autonomy and the freedom of the public use of reason. Finally, I develop some reflections on what the relationship of the university to the state and society should be in the context of a republic and a just state.


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Dossiê: Conceitos e concepções de liberdade / Concepts and conceptions of