Pandemic and ethics: a review of 'Bioethics, Biolaw & Biopolitics' in the context of COVID-19
Bioethics, Biolaw, Biopolitics, COVID-19, Pandemic, Practical Ethics, Practical Cognitivism, Distributive Justice, Neuroethics, VaccinesAbstract
This review explores the book "Bioethics, Biolaw & Biopolitics," by Darlei Dall’Agnol, which delves into the ethical and (necro)political complexities raised by the COVID-19 pandemic. The author presents a set of reflections centered on the pandemic and its implications for humanity. The book stands out for addressing topics such as therapeutic decisions, vaccine nationalism, neuroethics, and distributive justice in times of global crisis. Through a analysis of each of the ten chapters, the review highlights the author's approach, grounded in practical cognitivism, emphasizing respectful care and the importance of considering the impact of current decisions on future generations. Dall’Agnol's work is recognized for its essential contribution to the current bioethical debate, documenting the failures and missteps in the pandemic response by the Brazilian Federal Government and the Federal and Regional Medical Councils. His work provides profound and valuable insights, preparing future generations to deal with pandemics and similar crises more effectively and ethically.
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UNESCO. Declaração Universal sobre Bioética e Direitos Humanos. [s.l: s.n.]. Disponível em:
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