Crises and Revolutions Philosophical approaches to their interdependence in the classic work of Rousseau, Kant, Tocqueville, Cassirer and Arendt


  • Roberto Aramayo Instituto de Filosofía del CSIC



It is the sole topic of conversation throughout Europe. An economic crisis with an underlying crisis of values is devastating everything, while politics has nothing to say. An attempt was made to base the European Unión on a single currency, and the resulting traders’ Europeprevented the desired political project from bearing fruit. Instead of comparing different legal systems before creating a constitution for citizens, we have seen the birth of a new idolatry that is connected with a perverse fatalism. Only macroeconomic figures are considered to be important, while citizens have to suffer because of the actions of a few unscrupulous people who worship profit as well as having legalised usury.

Given this situation it is necessary to take all types of precaution, and that is why it is a good idea to see what classical authors have to say. The Enlightenment seems to be a failed project that urgently needs to be restarted. It may be enormously useful to re-read Rousseau, as Cassirer did during the rise of Nazism so that it could be fought on the basis of the history of ideas. His discourse on inequality could not be more relevant now. And the same consideration applies to the genealogical study of the French revolution by Tocqueville. That was the revolution par excellence which Kant described as a symbol of the moral progress of mankind.

Biografía del autor/a

Roberto Aramayo, Instituto de Filosofía del CSIC

Roberto R.[odríguez] ARAMAYO (Madrid, 1958), profesor de investigación del CSIC, estudió filosofía entre 1975 y 1980 en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, en la que llegó a ser alumno de Aranguren, además de tener entre sus condiscípulos a Carlos Gómez Muñoz, Rosa García Montealegre, Juan Antonio Rivera y Concha Roldán. En 1984 se doctoró por esa misma Universidad, bajo la tutela de su querido maestro, mentor y amigo Antonio Pérez Quintana, con una tesis titulada La filosofía práctica de Kant como elpidología eudemonista,trabajo que orientó su labor ulterior como historiador de la ideas morales. Becario del CSIC desde 1982, en 1986 quedó adscrito al Instituto de Filosofía (dirigido en aquel momento por Javier Muguerza) y en 1988 accede a su colectivo de investigadores en plantilla.




