Experience and understanding about transdisciplinarity: vision of students of the human sciences





Transdisciplinary, Transdisciplinary Group, Higher Education Students


This article discusses the concept of transdisciplinarity and aims to reflect on the understanding of higher education students– from different degrees – about the possibilities of developing work in the transdisciplinary perspective. This is qualitative research, of descriptive character, with semi-structured interviews with students, in the perspective of knowing the challenges of transdisciplinarity, in their visions. The analysis of the results allowed identifying several learnings that provided transformation and deepening of theoretical references and practices in the school. Also, they had reports about the difficulties in daily practice, related to hierarchy and obstacles between interpersonal relationships; absence of internal organization; and discomfort with the paradigm shift. It is noteworthy that the transdisciplinary work of the group was characterized as an exceptional place for the sharing of knowledge, knowledge production and learning practices, something little explored in university spaces.

Author Biographies

Maria Cecília Luiz, Universidade Federal de São Carlos

Doutorado em Em Educação Escolar pela Faculdade de Ciências e Letras - Unesp (2004). Professor Titular da Universidade Federal de São Carlos. 

Ridamar Aparecida de Oliveira, Universidade Federal de São Carlos

Graduada pelo Curso de Licenciatura em Pedagogia da Univerisdade Federal de São Carlos. Faz parte do grupo de pesquisa GEPESC (Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisa em Educação, Subjetividade e Cultura).


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