Dental care to patients with chronic kidney disease in the pre-transplantation phase: protocol proposal
Oral Heath, Dental Care, Renal Insufficiency Chronic, Kidney TransplantationAbstract
Dental care for patients with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in pre-transplantation phase contributes to the stabilization of their general health, as it reduces the length of stay and reduces the chances of subsequent dental problems. This is a narrative review of the literature to propose a dental care protocol for patients with CKD before transplantation. A search was performed on PUBMed Central using the terms: "chronic kidney disease" AND "transplant" AND "dentistry", from 2010 to 2023. This search (which was performed in 2017 and updated in 2023) resulted in 798 studies . Of these, 38 were initially chosen that involved pre- and post-transplant dental care. For the construction of the protocol, 28 were chosen, 11 of which were published in the last 5 years. The result was the development of a care protocol for the Extension Project “Dental Care for Patients with CKD” that can be used by other similar projects or extension programs.
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