
  • Raquel Ritter Longhi UFSC
  • Jessé Antunes Torres UFSC



Report on the experience of extension developed in the Project Fotolivre.ufsc, site made with free software and using the Creative Commons license. The main goal was to promote the student’s production of Photojournalism disciplines in the Course of Journalism at UFSC, in the form of stock photography images. The methodology was first developed with the litera-ture on stock images and free tools for creating online photojournalistic products and its use. Then the site was created, made with free applications such as Joomla, with the structuring of a database of photographic images made by the students. The site was launched during the 8th Sepex - Week of Teaching, Research and Extension of UFSC, in October 2009. Conducted from 01/05 to 31/12/2009, the project consisted in an initiative of interest to the community in general, stimulating the academic photojournalistic production and the use of free software.

Biografía del autor/a

Raquel Ritter Longhi, UFSC

Doutorado em Comunicação e Semiótica PUC/SP; Professora no Curso de Jornalismo - Departamento de Jornalismo UFSC. Primeira área de atuação: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas - Comunicação

Mais informações: Currículo Lattes - CNPq.

Jessé Antunes Torres, UFSC

Aluno do Curso de Jornalismo/UFSC. Selecionado no programa Rumos Jornalismo Cultural do Itaú Cultural na categoria de mídia impressa, em 2009/2010. Bolsista do Projeto Fotolivre.ufsc.

