Contributions of a tangible device for the learning of some concepts of Kinematics. An experience using the Wiimote in the laboratory of Physics


  • José Enrique Martínez Pérez Instituto Universitario de Tecnología del Estado Bolívar



Given the advancement of tangible technology within human-computer interaction and that the equipment in Physics laboratories of higher education institutions are expensive to be afforded and upgraded, this paper presents the feasibility of using a remote control of video game called Wiimote as a tangible device in an inclined plane practice. The results were satisfactory and the students said that the design of the implanted experience contributed to the conceptual and procedural learning related to the inclined plane. The results seem to demonstrate the usefulness of tangible technology in building closer models of science representations and helping students to form mental images that can be used by them on new challenges. In the future, the development of a pedagogical design with this practice is expected.

Author Biography

José Enrique Martínez Pérez, Instituto Universitario de Tecnología del Estado Bolívar

Instituto Universitario de Tecnología del Estado Bolívar (IUTEB), Ciudad Guayana, Venezuela.



How to Cite

Martínez Pérez, J. E. (2015). Contributions of a tangible device for the learning of some concepts of Kinematics. An experience using the Wiimote in the laboratory of Physics. Caderno Brasileiro De Ensino De Física, 32(3), 870–878.



Atividades experimentais no ensino de Física