Visibility study applied to energy transmission systems - intervention analysis in “Coxilha Rica” landscape
The Drovers’ Path are remnant structures of important land routes built and used in Colonial Brazil during the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries. The Coxilha Rica region in Santa Catarina has many remnants of these routes and due to its great hydrological potential, in the 2000s, many companies sought to build Small Hydroelectric Plants on many rivers in the region. As a way of preserving the region's scenic environment, because of its tourist and landscape potential, the National Historical and Artistic Heritage Institute (IPHAN) asked entrepreneurs for landscape studies and an end of time for the adverse effects of the insertion of streaming. In this context, the main objective of this work is to present the method of generating visibility from historical elements of the Coxilha Rica Region, removing or minimizing the visual impact on the scenic environment due to the insertion of electrical energy transmission systems. The method consisted of mapping the visibility polygonal, taking human visual acuity into consideration, from points related as main (historical farms and stone-walled corridors) and performing spatial analyzes. Through the crossing of levels of information, it was possible to classify and define the degree of visibility of the total polygonal, designing transmission systems and provide IPHAN with subsidies to define the best places to carry out the next steps in order to preserve the scenic environment of the region.
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