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Tatiana Silva Fontoura de Barcellos Giacobbo
Luís Felipe Maldaner


Objective: This paper aims to present the economic and operational impacts of the insertion of the Cadastro Positivo credit bureau in the Brazilian financial system for the innovation sector.

Design/ Methodolog/ Approach: A synthesis of the main problems faced by startups, especially in the financing of their innovative projects. The present research is of exploratory quantitative nature, carried out based on a questionnaire applied in startups in the Rio dos Sinos valley region.

Results: It is possible to glimpse what are the expected results in the economy with this measure. It was found that almost half of the companies surveyed are aware of the Cadastro Positivo credit bureau, but none of them have asked to be included, nor even demonstrated the intention to register in the database, when this was the only way to participate in such a database.

Originality/ Value: The lack of access to credit in the financial market is one of the main problems that startups face, given their lack of data for rating formation of a credit rating. Thus, the originality of this work is in showing the main stages of creation and implementation of the positive registry, its potential to mitigate this obstacle, as well as the economic impacts that this subterfuge brings to the national innovation system.

Keywords: Innovation Financing. Positive Credit Information. Startups. Register of Good Payers. Startups Credit.

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Article Details

Author Biography

Tatiana Silva Fontoura de Barcellos Giacobbo, UNISINOS

Doutoranda em Economia pela Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS), Mestra em Economia pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS, 2016). Possui graduação em Ciências Econômicas (UFRGS, 2011) e em Ciências Contábeis (UNESA, 2018). Atua como perita judicial ad-hoc no Tribunal Regional do Trabalho da 4ª Região e como professora da pós-graduação stricto sensu do Curso de MBA em Gestão Bancária e Competitividade da UNISINOS.