Evaluation of the toxicity of the methanolic crude extract of <I>Baccharis dracunculifolia</I> on Artemia salina
Medicinal plants have been used in folk medicine worldwide. Within the genus Baccharis, species Baccharis dracunculifolia stands out, being used for several diseases. The indiscriminate use of plants without any knowledge phytochemical, pharmacological and toxicological mainly is of great concern to health. Finding a safe and non-lethal concentration to the therapeutic use constitutes an important step. Thus, this study sought to evaluate the toxicity of the methanolic crude extract of Baccharis dracunculifolia front of the larvae of Artemia salina. The results showed a median lethal concentration (LC 50) of 1008,51ug/mL e 921,32ug/mL after 24h and 48h respectively, being necessary a very high concentration be considered lethal.
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