The Portuguese radio news in the Internet – the state of art


  • Luís Bonixe ESE de Portalegre



The radio is changing and some might say that never changed as much as now. If it is true that the history of the radio is full of social events, cultural and technological advances that have forced radio to modify itself, is no less true now as ever, with its Internet presence, their defining characteristics were called into question in a manner so incisive. Radio has always been defined as, above all, two specific features: its sound character and his continuing message in time. With his presence on the Internet, these characteristics no longer make the same difference because this "new radio" added the image, links, social networks and other online tools. This article aims to describe and analyze how this scenario is determining the definition of policies, strategies and narratives on Portuguese radio news.


Author Biography

Luís Bonixe, ESE de Portalegre

Doutor em Ciências da Comunicação, especialização em Jornalismo, com uma tese defendida na Universidade Nova de Lisboa sobre jornalismo radiofónico. Professor de Jornalismo na ESE de Portalegre e Jornalista freelance.

