The Agrarian Experience in Goiás under Governor Mauro Borges: Its meaning and consequences


  • Tereza Cristina Favaro Universidade Federal de Goiás


This article conducts a historic review of the agrarian experience in Goiás during the government of Mauro Borges (1861- 1964), particularly the land settlement project. It first presents the government of Goiás in general lines with a brief contextualization of the agrarian reality on the national and local levels. It then explores the evidences of how social control was placed in practice under the argument of modernization of agriculture, in an effort to contain the organization and mobilization of farm workers, as well as the action of communists.

Author Biography

Tereza Cristina Favaro, Universidade Federal de Goiás

Assistente social do Hospital das Clínicas (UFGO), mestre em Serviço Social (PUC-GO) e doutora em História (UFG). Docente no Programa de Residência Multiprofissional em Saúde/HC-UFG. 





Applied research