The ABEPSS Thematic Research Groups on the relationship between graduate and undergraduate


  • Ana Paula Ornellas Mauriel Universidade Federal Fluminense



The ABEPSS Thematic Research Groups have the strategic potential of resistance to the productivism and to the precariousness of the formation, either in undergraduate and/ or postgraduate studies, through research. The article presents, in the first moment, a recovery of the design of GTP in its original documents, its organic link with ABEPSS, with the Curricular Guidelines and with the political ethical project. Next, it shows the ways in which the GTPs have carried out their implementation, the challenges that accompany them to articulate undergraduate and graduate studies, and to build the approximation between the GTPs, the regional ones and the Academic Training Units.

Author Biography

Ana Paula Ornellas Mauriel, Universidade Federal Fluminense

Assistente Social e Mestre em Serviço Social pela UFRJ, Doutora em Ciências Sociais pela UNICAMP. Professora Associada da Escola de Serviço Social da UFF, membro titular do Programa de Pós-Graduaçao em Serviço Social e Desenvolvimento Regional, coordenadora do Grupo de Pesqusia em Política Social e Desenvolvimento.

