Female migration: multiple vulnerabilities, domestic work and challenges in policies and rights





It is known that international migration is nowadays predominantly female, as a result of the feminization of poverty and the great economic inequalities around the world. Increasingly, women who are included in migratory flows, end up inserted in niches of work historically destined for women, such as domestic service. Thus, this research seeks to understand what elements characterize the multiple vulnerabilities of domestic migrants in Brazil and consequently the challenges for a national migration policy that considers these processes of exploitation and production of inequalities. The aim is to understand the reality of the migratory flows to Brazil specifically of women working in domestic services, which reflects inequalities between gender, social class and race. Therefore, the study contributes to understand the challenges of the current national migratory policy in relation to the exploitation and inequalities experienced. The method of dialectic approach was used in the research, in view of the analysis of the object from the internal contradictions of the reality of women migrating doing domestic work. It was possible to identify how these women still face the great dilemmas of migration, that is, the control by the State, labor segregation, abusive labor relations and the logics of servitude, ethnic-racial discrimination, isolation and prejudice, bringing a series of challenges to the advancement of the Brazilian Migration Policy and the promotion of human rights for migrant women.

Author Biography

Jaqueline Bertoldo, Federal University of Santa Maria, Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul


Bacharel em Direito pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM). Mestranda em Direito pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM).

