Articulations between Marxism and Feminism: Yesterday and Today




This article introduces the analyzes of three feminist authors that approach the relation between production and reproduction, in the perspective of historical materialism. The articulation of the feminist and the Marxist perspectives in the authors used for this study, allows to visualize the relations between class and gender, and even more significantly, the intersection of different spheres of social life. The study is a theoretical research structured in four parts: in the first three, the contribution of each of the authors is briefly exposed and, at the end, some of their interpretations are discussed based on a Lukacsian perspective of historical materialism. The aim of the discussion is to strengthen the connection between feminism and Marxism, relying on the radical potential of this encounter at the theoretical and political level.

Author Biography

María Cecilia Espasandín, Universidad de la República, Montevideo

Magíster en Trabajo Social por la Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Profesora Adjunta del Departamento de Trabajo Social de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad de la República (UDELAR).

