Artistic interventions in Portuguese prisons: A multidimensional study on dynamics and impacts



This study analyzes the dynamics and impacts of artistic and cultural projects implemented in prisons. Based on the data collected in three Portuguese prisons, within an intensive methodological framework, the study sought to understand the implications of artistic and social interventions in such institutions. Based on observations and interviews, it was possible to capture some dynamics associated with the development of the activities. Different typologies of impacts on the structure, professionals, and prisoners were identified. Inter-relationship dynamics were verified within the structures and associated with the dialogue with the territorial context. The research found categories that showed how the artistic activities proposed had repercussions for the people who participated. Three major categories of impacts on the life of the inmate population were identified: intrapersonal level, interpersonal level, and the inmates’ relations with the institution.

Author Biography

Irene Serafino, Universidade do Porto, Porto

Master’s degree in Social Policies and Social Work from Università di Bologna (Unibo). Doctoral student in Sociology at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the Universidade do Porto (U.Porto).


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