Adoption and family relations


  • Josiane Rose Petry Veronese UFSC - Florianópolis - SC
  • Luciene Cássia Policarpo Oliveira UNIVAP - São José dos Campos - SP



This work presents adoption as theme inserted in the universe of family relations. For that, in a first moment, this paper discourses about the contemporary family, showing the numberless mutations occurred not only in social context, as well as in the juridical context. After that, it refers about adoption under the Statute of the Child and Adolescent viewpoint — law number 8.061/90 — expliciting how the subject is still obscure to society comprehension, being, thus, necessary the construction/formation of a new perception about it. Finally, the paper investigates the field of family relations, their fragilities and expectancies regarding the adoption process, researching towards which is the real motor that conducts a couple to do it.

Author Biographies

Josiane Rose Petry Veronese, UFSC - Florianópolis - SC

Doutorado em Direito.

Luciene Cássia Policarpo Oliveira, UNIVAP - São José dos Campos - SP

Possui Pós-Graduação em Psicopedagogia pela UNIVAP.

