Faces and disguises of institutionalization


  • Lêda Péres dos Santos UFSC - Florianópolis - SC
  • Nilva Souza Ramos UFSC - Florianópolis - SC


To present research it is resulted of the experience of apprenticeship supervised, accomplished in a shelter for children and adolescents in personal and social risks as it determines Statute of the Child and Adolescent (ECA), we had as main category the children's family entails ande the adolescent institutionalized. During the apprenticeship accomplishment our concern was with the children and adolescents that a lot of times are retired of the family conviviality. We reminded that the Statute of the Child and Adolescent (ECA), brought progresses in what it plays to the subject of the family and community coexistence, and we can translate this coexistence as entail, but not always, however, this right is reminded; on behalf of the "protection" to the children and adolescents, proceeding, mainly of families in deficit economic and social situation, they are institutionalized, in that way hurting the legal text, knowing that in its articles 23, the ECA regard that "the lack of material resources, don't constitute enough reason for the loss or suspension of the paternal authority". Although, not existing another reason, that by itself authorizes the decree of the measure, the child or the adolescent will be maintained in its origin family, one which obligatorily should be included in official programs of aid. Thus given the misery that lives a great contingent of the Brazilian population today, we can conclude that, if exists the children's abandonment on the part of the parents, it is worst by the State to the families. There fore, to assist the child, today, means to assist its family, that a lot of times are forced to transform the institution in the only refuge for its children.

Author Biographies

Lêda Péres dos Santos, UFSC - Florianópolis - SC

Assistente Social - Na ocasião (1996-1997), aluna-estagiária da Casa-Lar e participante do Núcleo de Estudos da Criança, Adolescente e Família. NECAD/DSS/CSE/UFSC.

Nilva Souza Ramos, UFSC - Florianópolis - SC

Professora Mestre do Departamento de Serviço Social - Membro do Núcleo de Estudos da Criança, Adolescente e Família (NECAD) - Na ocasião da pesquisa foi professora orientadora- END. DSS/CSE/UFSC.

