Social Assistance and Benefit of Continuous Installment (in times of revision) – a guaranteed right?


  • Ana Lígia Gomes



The article analyzes the relationship and articulation of the called Benefit of Continued Installment with de warranty of the right to the Social Assistence, established in the Federal Constitution of 1988 and the Organic Law of the Social Assistence – LOAS, promulgated in 1993. Discusses the conception of the benefit, as a right and regular right, face to the group of provisions that should compose a Social Attendance policy, able to propitiate the attendance to the basic needs of who of her demand. Sumary the marches and against marches of the process of regulation of the Benefit, demonstrating its reduced direction, culminating with the recent process of revision of the concession that will almost reach 500 thousand old and deficiency people.

