Reunifyng the city: new development strategies, new governances – identity and urban cohesion


  • Gianfrancesco Costantini CERFE - Roma - Itália



A version of this paper was delivered at the International Seminar “Reunificar a Cidade” (Reunifying the City), organized by the Secretaria do Trabalho da Prefeitura da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro (Labor Secretariat of Rio de Janeiro City Hall) in May 2000 as part of a major reflection process on public policies and on the struggle against poverty. The APD-Rio Program (specific object of the present study) was a locus of experimentation associated with this reflection, particularly regarding the identification of new spaces, development directions and urban integration, the recognition of the social actors at local level and partnership formation among the different actors (public, private and civil society actors) and the integration of social, urban and economic development policies.

Author Biography

Gianfrancesco Costantini, CERFE - Roma - Itália

Sociólogo. Diretor do Programa APD - Rio de Janeiro (Comissão Européia), de maio de 2000-2002. Pesquisador Sênior do GRUPPO CERFE - Roma.

