Peasant culture and Brazilian"telenovelas": dating and identity of intimacy


  • Andréa Baltazar UNICAMP - Campinas - SP


This article1 is part of a doctoral thesis Peasant culture and television: the vision of the self and image of the other through Brazilian soap opera, the aim of which is to understand peasant cultural exchanges, rejections, interactions and relationships of sign and behavior through the viewing of Brazilian “telenovelas”. The article briefly emphasizes intimacy and family values regarding dating, sexuality and marriage, as cultural themes shared by both investigated objects: peasant culture and “telenovelas”. The cultural construction of the identity of intimacy through dating is at stake in the community since intimacy is responsible for symbolic structure and for the maintenance of kinship. The traditional way of life – a combination of cultural patterns derived from Iberian and native Brazilian cultures – and the traditional peasant ethos combined with traditional Catholic morality maintain the endogamic social organization and the structure of social life, which is, to a great extent, family life2.

Author Biography

Andréa Baltazar, UNICAMP - Campinas - SP

Possui graduação em Comunicação Social pela UNESP (1992), especialização em Psicanálise Integrativa pela Sociedade Brasileira de Psicanálise Integrativa (2002), especialização em Psicanálise Transpessoal pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Transpsicanális (2003), mestrado em Ciência Social (Antropologia Social) pela USP (1997), doutorado em Ciência Social (Antropologia Social) pela USP (2003) e aperfeiçoamento em Projeto Sobre a Descriminalização do Aborto - Br pelo Núcleo de Estudos de População (1994). Atualmente é Pós-Doutoranda com Bolsa Fapesp da UNESP e Pesquisador Colaborador/Professora Convidada da UNESP.

Mais informações: Currículo Lattes - CNPq.

