The restrictive impacts on citizenship of a housing policy based on equity criteria


  • Carla Calce UR - Montevideo - Uruguay
  • Laura Paulo UR - Montevideo - Uruguay



This document analyzes housing policy in Uruguay, in particular those actions aimed at the most needy sectors. The new policy model is based on de centralization, co-participation, concentration, co-financing, subsidized demand and an emphasis on objectives. More than the traditional policy, it emphasizes the relationship between efficiency and equity. This analysis of the housing policy found horizontal and vertical equity and that subsidies were progressively allocated. Never the less, the social dimension of the policy revealed negative effects such as fragmentation and social vulnerability that contradict the Uruguayan tradition of integration. Uruguay's welfare model is based on universal social policies that have gradually been aimed at specific policies. Never the less, while in the first decades of the past century these policies sought to consolidate specific segments, the recent reforms have led to exclusion and social segregation.

Author Biographies

Carla Calce, UR - Montevideo - Uruguay

Assistente Social. Master en Servicio Social por la Universidad Federal de Río de Janeiro. Docente del Departamento de Trabajo Social, Universidad de la República, Uruguay.

Laura Paulo, UR - Montevideo - Uruguay

Licenciada en Trabajo Social, especializada en Políticas Sociales. Candidata a Master en Políticas Públicas en la Universidad ORT del Uruguay. Docente del Departamento de Trabajo Social, Universidad de la República, Uruguay.

