Belo Monte hydroelectric plant: social movements and resistance on Amazonia
The study analyzes the organizational forms of the social movements and resistances in the influence area of Belo Monte Hydroelectric Plant (UHEBM) before Brazilian government’s energetic project, which Amazonia is understood as an energy manufacturer. Based in the dialectical and historical materialism method, it was realized documental and bibliographic researches and interviews with 16 entities in 3 cities of Pará: Altamira, Vitória do Xingu and Senador José Porfírio. The research have identified that the resistance is structured and expresses itself in the plurality of social groups that denounce the Brazilian’s energetic policy connected to the capitalist globalization of territories, materialized by the loss of housing, violation of the way of life of the native people, river dam, flooding of communities, extinction of aquatic species, plants and animals, resurgence of diseases, extinction of jobs, compulsory displacements, increase in the crime rate and deaths. Socio-environmental damage that threatens the generic humankind.
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