Information and communication technologies in social policies: opacity and democratic illusion
This article seeks to problematize the use of Information and Communication Technologies to access social security policies, as a mechanism that announces quality, speed, but finds in the bourgeois limits the key to reinforcing inequalities, promoting a social-democratic illusion, whose commitment it is with the expanded reproduction of capital. For that, control, opacity and violence are installed in a business logic that places on the order of the day an engineering captured by sacrifices, molding and passiveness, making a citizen perspective unfeasible. Thus, we seek to show that behind the announced modernization spread old practices that indicate conspiring against democratic rights and advances, reinforcing the existence of a bourgeois democracy. The chosen methodology consists of bibliographic and documental analysis, as a way to mediate our reflection on the present time, whose movement is disheartening. For this, we will take the dialectical method to give course to a rational analysis of a barbaric era.
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