State corrective actions on structural capital control defects


  • Milena da Silva Santos Escola de Serviço Social da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Docente substituta.



State, Structural Defects, Capital, István Mészáros


The text aims to highlight the corrective actions of the State on the structural defects of capital control, based on the theoretical formulations of István Mészáros. It is the result of an investigation carried out from a materialist-historical approach and methodological procedure of bibliographical research. We analyze that the structural defects of capital control are related to the absence of unity in the material basis of social reproduction between production, control, consumption and circulation. However, in order to maintain the reproduction of capital, the system demands a political command that is
presented through the State. We verified that this exercises the function of remedying the structural defects of control of the system, through corrective actions. We emphasize that the constitution of the capital relation prevents the resolution of the defects and that these can only be eliminated with the overcoming of the capital.


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