The Business Reform of Education: New Right, old ideas
The book presented is authored by Luiz Carlos de Freitas, pedagogue and master in Education, and doctor in Experimental Psychology. He is currently a retired professor at the Faculty of Education of the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP). He works in the area of Education, with an emphasis on Assessment of Learning and Systems, and its main themes developed are Assessment, Public Policies, Neoliberalism, Didactics, Organization of Pedagogical Work (CNPQ, 2023). The text of “The Business Reform of Education” is segmented into 12 parts, and separates it in this way with the intention of highlighting the concepts and context of the questions presented by the author. summary book importance for understanding business reforms, the influence of the New Right, the impacts of business reforms for students, teachers and the educational system itself as a whole, among other topics discussed.
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