Liberalism and gender: a contextual persepctive


  • Soledad Escalante Beltrán PUCP - Lima - Peru


This article contextually discusses the category of gender from a liberal perspective. The six sections of the study provide a deep criticism of the social sciences from a less rigid perspective in the handling of dichotomous and exclusionary categories such as masculine-feminine, rational-emotional, private-public, liberal-community, to mention some of the central issues raised by the various debates about gender. A comparative methodology is used to analyze authors such as Kolberg, Gilligan, Rawls and others. One of the principal conclusions reached in this study is that traditional theoretical schemes, still in use, impede achieving broader consensuses and delay the resolution of practical problems such as, in the Peruvian case, those resulting from the translation of the discourse of equity into actions and concrete daily practices that provide citizens true access to justice.

Author Biography

Soledad Escalante Beltrán, PUCP - Lima - Peru

Magíster en Filosofia y Sociologia. Docente de la Escuela de Graduados - Maestría de Sociologia, Pontifícia Universidad Católica del Peru.

