Preliminary reflections on the problem of hegemony in the ethical-political project of Social Work


  • Katia I. Marro UFRJ - Rio de Janeiro - RJ



This study analyzes the problem of hegemony in the consolidation of a professional project capable of disputing an alternative social direction in our professional practice and of linking it to the social struggles of its time. This professional practice in the region is a legacy of the attempts at rupture found in a germinal form in the Reconceptualization Movement itself. It is currently renewed and sheds light on the political and social situation, and on the greater theoretical-methodological maturing of the profession in recent decades. The paper discusses the concepts or the frequent political uses of the idea of hegemony to compare them with the Gramscian notion. The article analyzes some relations that are established with the profession's ethical-political project and presents some working hypotheses about the current historic conditions of the consolidation of this hegemony at the interior of the heterogeneous Latin American Social Work.

Author Biography

Katia I. Marro, UFRJ - Rio de Janeiro - RJ

Licenciada en Trabalho Social por la Universidad Nacional de Rosario - Argentina. Mestre y doctoranda en Serviço Social por la Escola de Serviço Social da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro.

