Family Grant: social policy or political marketing?


  • Paulo Gabriel Martins de Moura ULBRA - Rio Grande do Sul - RS


This essay, a political analysis, criticizes the Family Grant Program, implemented by the Lula government of 2003-2005. It is based on the ongoing analysis methodology originated in U.S. political science. It seeks to establish a parallel of these analyses with criticisms of the Family Grant program presented in the media and made by specialists. They focus on the absence of a conceptual reference for the program (or its practical non-application), supported by accumulated knowledge in the field, that would guide the social policies of the Lula government. Based on secondary sources about official data and on statements from specialists, the analysis identifies an apparent 'schizophrenia' in the 'philosophical' references that orient the government's social policies, suggesting that the solution chosen was a situational response to a demand for government marketing and not oriented to a deliberate public policy pre-conceived as such, which, if it exists, is not evident in the government actions.

Author Biography

Paulo Gabriel Martins de Moura, ULBRA - Rio Grande do Sul - RS

Possui doutorado em Comunicação Social pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul em 2005. Atualmente é Diretor Presidente da PGM Editora e Consultoria em Comunicação e Análise Política e Professor Adjunto com Doutorado da Universidade Luterana do Brasil.

Mais informações: Currículo Lattes - CNPq.

